Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Voice Thread Project

My review and impression on thje Voice Thread project.

Voice thread is a multimedia tool to share photos and comments with other people around the world by the internet. I used Voice thread for my Computer studies class and it was quite easy to use, however it had some limitation or uncomfortable features as well. I uploaded a Voice Thread about a huge news in Korea, a korean marine's battle ship sunken, which was suspected to be an attack from north korea. I also added a photo of stock market going down, and explained that stocks are going down because of the incident.
I was trying to present something related to my academic interest, but my academic interest wasn't so clear, therefore my Voice thread wasn't. Anyway using Voice thread was quite interesting and new to me. Although I didn't use it much because personally, I felt it interesting but quite uncorfortable using it. I could see other people's voice thread when I wanted to, but most of them was either very personal or something I'm not interested in. Therefore I wasn't motivated to use it more passionately.
I also felt that I could use many other media(?) or website on the internet to do same thing as what Voice thread does, which is more comfortable and easy to use with more features.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Exchange rate going up again.....

Currency Exchange rate of Yen and Won is rising again

the exchange rate for Yen was mostly high last year which became huge issue in Japan (Yen Daka, Yen Appreciation) This situation made foreign companies and travelers to think again about coming to Japan or making a deal with Japanese Companies. Therefore Japan had hard time getting over the economic depression, I'm not sure if they got over it even now.
Exchange rate seem to get the balance back......

However curretly the rate is similar to last year, and Japanese are again worried about the phenomenon Yen daka.
Personally I will soon go back to Korea for vacation and I have to change Yen to Won, so Yen daka is good for me but if Yen daka continues until I come back, I would have to think again about changing Won to Yen.